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Loving Kindness Exercise - Rock Loving Kindness

After gathering a collection of rocks, examine each one and pick out 4 rocks that seem special to you. Place them in order from left to right with the one you like the best on the left to the one that is your least favourite on the right. Share with someone why you have chosen this order. Gather all of the rocks in your right hand. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you repeat each of the statements below silently transfer one rock at a time to your left hand.

1) May I be filled with loving kindness

Transfer the rock from right hand to left hand and take a deep breath

2) May I be happy and healthy

Transfer the rock from right hand to left hand and take a deep breath

3) May I accept myself exactly as I am

Transfer the rock from right hand to left hand and take a deep breath

4) May I be safe and free

Transfer the rock from right hand to left hand and take a deep breath

Repeat this exercise while holding in your mind the image of a person or pet that you want to send kindness to. As you transfer each rock repeat each statement silently and take a breath.

May you ……… When you are finished notice how you feel in your body, in your heart and in your mind.


Excercise by Sherry-Lynne Kirschner Illustration by Kezzia Crossley

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